Tricom has been the subject of numerous ASX complaints and ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS. Recently the ASX Disciplinary Tribunal said of Tricom, "The Appeals Tribunal regards the actions of Tricom Futures as a serious contravention of the Operating Rules". What Tricom has been caught doing is "cooking the books". ABQ could teach them a thing or two about dodgy accounting.
Banned Tricom employee Peter Cameron is rumoured to be in on the scheme to secure more cash for Allied and sources inside claim he has been seen there with management. Cameron has been BANNED by ASIC and the ASX for stock manipulation of penny and illiquid shares, much like the situation at Allied Brands where shares are bid up at the close of the day. It's still being investigated by ASIC if his manipulations have extended to the bizarre trading pattern at Allied Brands Ltd.
And all while this nonsense is going on, executive management are attempting to lease new expensive cars from CARFLEET, already spending the recently-raised cash. CARFLEET is looking askance at the attempted finance of these new, unnecessary vehicles.
A big "hello" to all the blog readers at Korda Mentha. Note that your email is being tapped by your company, so send your tips from home!
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