Elligett has lost Cookieman in the collapse to US-based cookie giant Mrs. Fields, so he's hitched his star to the other two dodgy directors.
The director's proposal to Vincents is built on the idea that they would finance a lawsuit against billion dollar behemoth Dunkin' Brands after losing the Baskin Robbins brand. This despite the fact that Peter Graham personally ran Allied into the ground not once, but twice in the last ten years, both times getting "bailed out" by Dunkin largess! This despite the fact that Graham would have over 100 Baskin Robbins franchisees lined up to tell their tales of fraud, deception, deceit, and lies at the hands of Graham, McIntosh, and others. What hubris drives these crooks?
The director's DCA also had as a requirement a release of the directors from "all claims and liabilities" - essentially Graham and McIntosh, who have every right to expect prosecution for crimes, wanted a "get out of jail free" card. Which these two wealthy men are willing to pay for in their shady plan to "sue" Dunkin' Brands!
We've learned however is a spy has been employed by new management at Baskin Robbins Australia who is systematically funnelling information back to the Graham/McIntosh/Elligett group. The proverbial "nigger in the woodpile". This shows only the depths of immorality that caused the destruction of so many families and investors in the brands, and Allied Brands Ltd. Graham and McIntosh in particular are set to be prosecuted for their criminal actions, along with senior henchmen. They're not going to be ruining anyone's lives again anytime soon, and hopefully will be some ATSI brother's jailhouse bitch.
Let the hangings begin!
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