Vincents Accountants, the "independent" administrators of the collapsed Allied Brands Ltd., (ABQ), yesterday allowed a reorganisation bid from Perth solicitor Roger Steinpreis to move forward. "NO" voters claimed the meeting was "rigged" with many of the creditors failing to show after a continual stream of scheduled and cancelled meetings by Peter Dinoris.
Steinpreis, name partner at Steinpreis Paganin lawyers, are known purchasers of ASX "shells" for which to back in a new company, many in the resources business. Steinpreis, along with cohort Richard Poole, is oft described as "less than reputable", to be kind. Much of the Steinpreis proposal (Blueknight Corporate Pty. Ltd., directors Steinpreis and Paganin) hinges on MORE capital raising for ABQ (a company that has allowed previous capital raising to disappear into director pockets) with the plan to use the money to SUE the billion dollar parent of Baskin-Robbins, Dunkin' Brands! Steinpreis and associates also control another virtually failed ASX-listed company, Apollo Consolidated Ltd. (AOP). Once these shares were worth .50, now they're less than a penny at .006. More business genius at work!
One reading of this blog which catalogues the day-to-day criminal activities of Allied Brands over the last several years has lawyers around the world collapsing in fits of laughter at the thought of such an action. Even with two of the henchmen in this ABQ fraud machine canned by Blueknight (Lachlan McIntosh and Peter "I'm outta money" Graham), the chance of any legal actions against Dunkin' Brands being successful is absurd.
So you've got to wonder what's really going on when one group of dodgy investors (Blueknight) replaces another (Allied Brands), with the cooperation of the administrator (Vincents).