A story about Microsoft's Gold Coast Australia conference in today's media has reignited Allied Brands (ABQ) franchisee objections to paid sponsorship of "meter maids" to promote the family friendly ice cream brand.
Microsoft said it had no idea the downmarket promotion "meter maids" it hired for its TechEd conference would be half naked, skanky-looking women. Microsoft wisely and quickly apologised to both offended staff members as well as attendees including large numbers of computer-professional women. One is quoted as saying "It seems that there are still marketing and promotional folks who consider objectification of women to be OK".
Yes Kate, there are those neaderthals - alive and well and working as senior management at Baskin Robbins Australia and Allied Brands. Franchisees around the Gold Coast have repeatedly pointed out to Allied management that this promotion is contrary to the family-centric image that is the driving sales demographic for the brand. And since the Gold Coast council recently started a blitz on meter maid's selling their own promotional items, the maids hover near the Cavill Road Baskin Robbins shop where council allows them to hawk their softcore porn calendars.
Franchisees have been refused information about how much is being paid the meter maids, and who at Baskin Robbins approved this use of franchisee ad fund money.
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