Sunday 13 February 2011


Two of the key executives implicated in the Allied Brands Ltd. (ABQ) collapse are Shane Radbone and Jack Sakalis. Sakalis was appointed Baskin Robbins Brand Manager shortly after Radbone became CEO in July 2009.

It was under these two executives that the collapse of Allied Brands was instigated and managed. The "Baskin Robbins Visa Scam" occurred under the watch of these two executives. Both are being investigated by the Department of Migration for this fraud, that saw Korean and Indian families given phony 457 visas with the company claiming they were "marketing professionals". Instead they had just been sold known dud locations, stripped of several hundred thousand dollars, and ultimately deported by the Australian government.

It was also under these two executives administration that over $1,000,000 in advertising trust fund money has gone missing - a serious allegation that has the ACCC and ASIC investigations underway, with the Queensland Police Service fraud squad also engaged. Even diversion of advertising fund money to other corporate purposes can get these culprits years in jail.

And Shane Radbone as CEO gave himself and his wife a "gift" of a sweetheart $750K loan which has never been paid back to the company or receivers. All this while the debts continue to stack up.

So now we come to find Radbone has been made "Chief Operating Officer" of the Australian arm of 7/11. Boy, are these franchisees in for a treat! And what did Radbone take as his first management task? A SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT to a group of government executives in South Australia that apparently have been duped by his lame story of why he was sacked at Allied Brands!

The seminar programme says about Radbone: "Recently he was terminated as a CEO of an ASX listed company, after a failed management buy out, (A COMPLETE LIE) but was recently appointed COO of 7-Eleven, the 3rd largest private company in Australia, after just completing the acquisition of Mobil. It all comes down to your attitude, and your willingness to pick yourself up after setbacks and respond. It is also about having balance in your life. Success is an attitude."

Let's see, Radbone sacked from now three companies where he FAILED at all of them leaving destruction and economic ruin in his wake. It would seem Radbone's "success" is only in fast-talking 7-Eleven and hope they wouldn't check his CV.

Sakalis on the other hand has taken a job with Business Development Company, a Melbourne-based franchisor consultancy. What are these franchisors going to learn from Sakalis? How to loot the franchise advertising funds? How to lie to potential franchise-investors about their soon to be lost life savings? Getting away with unpaid superannuation contributions?

The BDC website goes on to say "BDC represent some of Australians best brands including: Bakers Delight, Nanotek by Ecowash, Hudsons Coffee, Mortgage Choice, Cookie Man, Baskin Robbins, Star Shots Glamour Photography, Telstra T-Life, Pure Protect Mobile Hygiene, Sportsco, Healthy Habits and MBE Business Service Centres." It's known fact that BDC DOES NOT represent Cookie Man, nor Baskin Robbins, nor Telstra. Is everything about BDC made up horseshit?

These aren't the only people who are being criminally investigated in the Allied Brands Ltd. debacle. We're expecting arrests soon. . .

Monday 7 February 2011


The ACCC has confirmed that investigations into dirty dealings at PPK Group Ltd. (PPK) continue to unfold. The ACCC is now searching for documents concerning director's private investments in Allied Brands Ltd. (ABQ) that may or may not have been secured at 'full value', at the same time these directors were using PPK shareholder assets to invest in Allied Brands and prop up the failed company.

PPK director Jury Wowk was said to be outraged at the scheme after being enticed into an ABQ directorship what he was told was a "company restructuring". One board meeting and he quickly identified that criminal actions were likely underway and his very quick resignation from the ABQ board is one of the actions that began to focus ASX and ACCC attentions on this organised crime racket.

In a half-yearly report PPK has acknowledged a massive loss due to this and other bad investments in Frigrite (now in administration) and Intelligent Solar Ltd. (ISL). ISL, a company near-death, just had a massive investment of capital from an entity known as Contemplator Pty. Ltd. (ARG Pension Fund A/C). Suspiciously, this entity was also the second largest investor in Allied Brands at the time of their collapse! Who is controlling the pension fund, and why this Melbourne company is apparently around so much fraud and company carnage is just one of the items now being explored by the ACCC.

Finally, ex-company secretary James Fay and accountantcy firm Hacketts are also targeted for their actions in misleading investors and the ASX.